
The Frontier Newsletter - Edition #3

Welcome to our April newsletter🍃
Terry Leonard
Terry Leonard
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Welcome to the April newsletter – we hope you are well. And if you’re in the northern hemisphere, we hope you’ve been enjoying the longer, sunnier days!

First up, we’ve got two brand new blogs for you. The first explores the world of digital tokens, and their benefits when it comes to asset or unit exchange in many scenarios – including the area of carbon credits. In the blog CTO Terry Leonard explains how they work, why they’re important, and why they’re a natural progression for our DLT platform, FALKOR. 

Next up we take a good look at blockchain’s impact on cities. ByzGen COO, Matt Birks explains how city governments can prepare and understand blockchain, and how ByzGen offers an affordable way to discover the benefits. Check it out here.

In the news

In keeping with our recent focus on digital assets, this article in Carbon Pulse caught our interest. It outlines the International Emissions Trading Association’s (IETA) key findings and recommendations on digital climate markets. Earlier this year the IETA was asked to study the rapid emergence of digital carbon assets, and how new products have triggered a temporary surge in the price of legacy carbon credits. As the market is growing rapidly, the proliferation of digital carbon tokens has raised concerns about the reputational risks these new products pose to the market.  

In other news, blockchain technology has gained currency when it comes to social impact. The quick-connectivity and the transparency of it makes it the perfect platform for humanitarian aid. When it comes to crisis the Web 3.0 community rises to the occasion, and we’re likely to see this having a major impact in the future. This article from DTNext takes a deeper dive.

And finally, despite its incredible versatility and usage, blockchain (like any other new technology) still has its challenges, which this article in the Financial Regulation News unpicks. We found it particularly interesting as some of the challenges mentioned are being worked through here at ByzGen within our DLT platform FALKOR – such as interoperability between blockchains.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to stay in touch. Follow us on social media @Gen_Byz on Twitter, or @ByzGen over at LinkedIn. We like to say hello.

Until next time,

The ByzGen Team

Marcus, Terry, Matt, Shristy, Rob and Ryan

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