
The Frontier Newsletter - Edition #2

Register for our FREE Smart City Digital Event. Plus, the latest news, views, and blogs from ByzGen.
Terry Leonard
Terry Leonard
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Welcome back to our monthly newsletter – we hope you are well.

First of all, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be hosting our very first Smart City Digital Technology Event, online, on 8th March. And we’ve got a superb guest industry panel joining us. Along with our experts, we’ll be discussing the role of blockchain when it comes to making our towns and cities smart, connected, and sustainable. The event is free, and you don’t have to be a blockchain expert to attend.

With quantum computers in the news lately (most notably in the New Scientist) we’ve also been taking a look at the power of these systems, and their ability to hack blockchain. ByzGen’s COO, Matt Birks, and CTO, Terry Leonard, discuss how powerful encryption and homegrown security features in our DLT FALKOR, can offer an extremely secure way of protecting your data in our brand new blog. Check it out here.

In the news

This month, we’ve been focusing on smart cities, and this article from the World Economic Forum (WEF) in particular caught our eye. It’s interesting because it describes how important interoperability is. At ByzGen we are conscious of solving problems like these, and have gone to great pains to make our platform easy to access and scale.

In other news, more and more banks are starting to join Project Carbon – a bank-backed initiative to create a blockchain-based marketplace where firms can buy and sell carbon offsets. It’s super relevant to us, as we are looking at how we can add a feature allowing for clients to create a private token exchange via our DLT, FALKOR, for use cases like carbon credits or rewards. This piece from Fin Extra explains it further.

And finally, despite most examples of blockchain developments centering around financial technology, its key features can actually be used to address important social problems too. A recent article in CIO, takes a look at the four areas where blockchain is becoming instrumental to social change, namely: democratic decisions, fair value (large corporations tend to exert unfair influence over markets), financial inclusion, and fighting corruption.

And that’s all for March. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to stay in touch. Follow us on social media @Gen_Byz on Twitter, or @ByzGen over at LinkedIn. We’re always up for a chat.

Until next time,

The ByzGen Team

Marcus, Terry, Matt, Shristy, Rob and Ryan

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